Tribulus puncture vine

Mounting evidence shows that this Tribulus Terrestris treats sex problems in both men and women. Mention aphrodisiac plants and few people cite Tribulus terrestris, commonly called puncture vine. But that’s changing as evidence accumulates that a leaf extract of this attractive ground-cover helps treat a variety of sex problems in women—low libido, arousal difficulties, lubrication trouble, and orgasm problems—and also possibly erectile dysfunction and infertility in men. Not all studies show benefit, and scientists still aren’t sure how it works, but Tribulus is safe in recommended amounts and the weight of current evidence tilts in favor of the plant as a sexual medicine.

Puncture Vine

Tribulus is native to Asia—Indians call it gokshura—but the plant grows in temperate locales worldwide, and sometimes becomes an invasive pest. It has hairy leaves, yellow flowers, and fingernail-size fruits encased in hard nubby shells with one or more sharp thorns, hence its common name, puncture vine. Tribulus sends a long taproot deep into the soil, which allows it to find water and thrive in arid areas. Indian and Chinese herbalists have used it medicinally for centuries, and have long considered it an aphrodisiac. Western scientists scoffed—until they began testing it.

For Women: Many Benefits

Several studies show that Tribulus extract (7.5 to 750 mg/day for one to four months) enhances sexual function in women:

  • Brazilian researchers gave a placebo or Tribulus (750 mg/day) to 36 postmenopausal women complaining of low libido. After four months, the placebo group reported scant improvement, but those taking Tribulus reported significantly increased desire, arousal, and lubrication, and greater likelihood of orgasm.
  • Another Brazilian team gave either a placebo or Tribulus (750 mg/day) to 60 postmenopausal women complaining of sexual dysfunction. After four months, the Tribulus group reported significantly greater desire, easier arousal, greater self-lubrication, more comfortable intercourse, more orgasms, and enhanced sexual satisfaction.
  • A third Brazilian group gave the herb (250 mg three times a day) to 120 women with low libido. One hundred six (88 percent) reported significant improvement.
  • A fourth group of Brazilian researchers gave either a placebo or Tribulus to 40 pre-menopausal women complaining of low desire. The placebo group showed no improvement, but those taking the plant extract showed significantly greater desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasms, and satisfaction.
  • Iranian scientists gave 60 low-desire women a placebo or Tribulus (7.5mg/day). A month later, the latter reported significantly enhanced desire, lubrication, and satisfaction.

For Men: Possible Help with ED

Tribulus is less consistently effective for sex problems in men. A Brazilian study using 800 mg/day showed no benefit for treating erectile dysfunction (ED). But this study lasted only one month, less time than trials showing benefit.

In a three-month study, Bulgarian researchers gave either a placebo or Tribulus (750 mg/day) to 180 men, age 18 to 65, with mild to moderate ED, some of whom also complained of low desire. The herb group showed significant improvement: more desire, better erections, and greater sexual satisfaction.

In addition, several studies show that in men dealing with infertility, Tribulus (750 to 1500 mgday) improves sperm motility and quality.

The Mechanism Remains a Mystery

Initially, researchers thought Tribulus boosted circulating levels of male sex hormones, testosterone in men and androgens in women. These hormones govern libido, and women taking the herb showed consistent improvement in desire. But some Tribulus studies tracked participants’ testosterone/androgens levels and results were inconclusive. In some trials, hormone levels increased, in others, they did not. In addition, supplemental testosterone does not help treat ED, but in the Bulgarian study, Tribulus helped ED sufferers. Now researchers speculate that the plant increases the body’s synthesis of another compound critical to sexual function, nitric oxide.

In Western medicine, new treatments have difficulty getting accepted until scientists can explain their mechanism of action. The mechanism governing Tribulus remains elusive, so the plant will continue to be controversial until researchers understand how it works.

Tribulus appears to be safe in recommended amounts, but some study participants dropped out due to side effects, typically stomach upset. If you try this herb, take 750 mg in divided doses (250 mg three times a day). If you notice any intestinal discomfort, reduce your dose or stop taking it.

Tribulus is an ingredient in many “sexual health” supplement blends, but usually at doses much lower than participants in the studies described above. If you’d like to try this herb, steer clear of combination products and go with just Tribulus. It’s available at most health food stores and herb shops, and on the Internet.

So far, all Tribulus research has taken place abroad. There have been no significant studies in the U.S. Compared with the rest of the world, American medical researchers tend to be more skeptical of medicinal herbs. American scientists generally don’t investigate botanicals until they’ve shown considerable efficacy elsewhere.

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Akhtari, E. et al. “Tribulus Terrestris for Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction in Women: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study,” Daru Journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Tehran University (2014) 22:40.

Bone, K. “Tribulus for Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women,” Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients,” Aug/Sept. 2004.

DeSouza, K.Z. et al. “Efficacy of Tribulus Terrestris for the Treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial,” Menopause (2016) 23:1252.

Gama, C.R. et al. “Clinical Assessment of Tribulus Terrestris Extract in the Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction,” Clinical Medicine Insights in Women’s Health (2014) 7:45.

Kemenov, Z et al. “Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of Tribulus Terrestris in Male Sexual Dysfunction: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial,” Maturitas (2017) 99:20.

Neychev, V. and V. Mitev. “Pro-Sexual and Androgen-Enhancing Effects of Tribulus Terrestris: Fact or Fiction?” Journal of Ethnopharmacology (2016) 179:345.

Postigo, S. et al. “Assessment of the Effects of Tribulus Terrestris on Sexual Function of Menopausal Women,” Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (2016)38:140.

Qureshi, A et al. “A Systematic Review on the Herbal Extract Tribulus Terrestris and the Roots of Its Putative Aphrodisiac and Performance-Enhancing Effect,” Journal of Dietary Supplements (2014) 11:64.

Roaiah, M.F. et al. “Pilot Study on the Effect of Botanical Medicine Tribulus Terrestris on Serum Testosterone Level and Erectile Function in Aging Males with Partial Androgen Deficiency,” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (2016) 42:297.

Santos, C.A. et al. “Tribulus Terrestris Vs. Placebo in the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind Study,” Actas Urologia Espana (2014) 38:244.

Vale, F.B.C. et al. “Efficacy of Tribulus Terrestris for the Treatment of Postmenopausal Women with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial,” Gynecology and Endocrinology (2018) 34:442.

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