I have a problem reaching orgasm. No problem with erection. But it takes a very long time to get there or I don’t have an orgasm at all. But when masturbating, sometimes I don’t have a problem, sometimes I do. Help! Thanks
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You have men’s unknown sex problem. At some point in life, an estimated 10 percent of men have difficulty with ejaculation/orgasm. Fortunately, this problem can usually be cured. Like you, most men in your situation can ejaculate/orgasm during masturbation. The fact that you usually can is good news because the self-help program for this problem involves expanding your ability to come while solo to orgasms in partner sex. I suggest you read my low-cost self-help article, Can’t Get There? It should help.
If the article doesn’t resolve things sufficiently, then I’d suggest individualized coaching from a sex therapist. Sex therapy usually takes four to six months of weekly one-hour sessions. It costs $150-200/hour, though many therapists discount fees for those who can’t afford standard rates. If you’re unfamiliar with sex therapy, clients DON’T have sex with therapists and therapists DON’T watch clients having sex. For more, read my low-cost article or see the film, “Hope Springs” with Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones. To find a sex therapist near you, visit the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists, the Society for Sex Therapy and Research, or the American Board of Sexology.