I’m a boxer.  I have my next bout in 7 day. Can I masturbate? Will masturbation affect my performance?


  • Michael Castleman says:

    If sex compromised athletic performance, there would be no professional athletes.

    Some coaches forbid sex for a period of time before games/events—12 hours, 24 hours, whatever. But I’ll quote you the sage words of that great New York Yankees coach, Casey Stengel: “It’s not the sex that causes problems. It’s all the energy athletes expend chasing women to get the sex.”

    World records have been set by athletes who later admitted to masturbating or having partner sex an hour or two before events.

    My advice: Don’t have sex within an hour of your boxing match, just in case. But there’s no evidence that abstaining for a day or two beforehand has any impact on athletes’ performance.

    Learn more in my article Masturbation: It’s Fun, Relaxing and Causes No Harm.

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