Fenugreek plants

I read your PsychologyToday article about breast enlargement and I had a couple of questions about taking supplements like fenugreek.

1) Are supplements like these linked to breast cancer?
2) If so, should someone space out their intake of the supplement for
example: every other day?
3) Have the women who have told you they got results from these supplements/herbs tell you how long it took before they saw results and how much they grew?

This is more out of curiosity than anything but I may be interested in taking them.


  • Michael Castleman says:

    Let me be clear: I don’t advocate taking fenugreek for breast enlargement. There’s no human research demonstrating that it works. However, there are some anecdotes of women eating the crushed seeds or sprouts daily and claiming breast enlargement after a few months. There is some biological plausibility to this. Fenugreek contains plant estrogens (phytoestrogens) that act like the hormone. Estrogen in birth control pills has been associated with some increases in breast size. But as I stated, the evidence for fenugreek is all anecdotal. Does fenugreek increase risk of breast cancer? There’s no research to demonstrate this. Women have been consuming this herb for thousands of years. It’s generally regarded as safe. Phytoestrogens are weaker than the estrogen in birth control pills. All I can say is try fenugreek if you’re so inclined and see if it has any impact on you. Good luck!

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