shirtless young man

How can I make my breast bigger? BTW: I’m a man.


  • Michael Castleman says:

    One approach is take estrogen. The female sex hormone causes breast cells to proliferate. If enough of them grow, eventually breasts become larger. For a prescription, consult a physician who deals with male-to-female transsexuals. However, you can’t just go in and say, “Give me estrogen.” Before prescribing, most physcians insist on psychological evaluations that assess how serious men are about becoming transsexual.

    Another approach involves surgical breast implants. Some MtF transsexuals have this surgery. But again, most surgeons insist on psychological evaluations beforehand, and if you’re approved the surgery is expensive, and most health insurers don’t cover it. If you go this route, prepare to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket.

    Beyond surgery and estrogen, some foods and herbs are rich in plant estrogens (phytoestrogens) that have actions similar to the hormone itself. I’ve seen testimonials for soy foods (tofu, textured vegetable protein), and the herb fenugreek. I haven’t seen convincing research evidence that they work, but they are easily available, don’t cost much, and are safe. You might try them.

    For more on this, I suggest you visit web sites devoted to MtF transsexuality.

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