I am a male in my 60s and have enjoyed playing in the alternative/fetish arena for many years both with partners, and with professional ladies, pro-doms, who cater to my particular interest which is latex/rubber fetishism. What has always been of interest to me is the huge number of videos showing fetish play involving latex clothing or hoods or bondage bags, often in the context of heavy bondage and apparatus. What I find curious is that most of these videos seem to involve women-on-women interactions. A lot fewer show men with women. Also, the women usually are the dominant partner in BDSM scenes with the man being the submissive. Maybe I see it this way because I obviously search for my own areas of interest and thus find more material! Also a lot of videos involving BDSM and latex seem to come from Germany, with America and the UK also providing a goodly proportion. Japan seems to be the one Asian country heavily into kinky play, producing videos similar to European and American fetish scenes. What seems to be the contradiction is that latex/rubber fetishism is mainly a male interest. In my experience I have not met any woman with a real interest in this fetish, though I have corresponded with a few over the years. Fetishism in general seems to be mainly a male arena. All the latex fetish videos of women interacting with women appears in conflict with reality – ie, women tend not to be very fetishistic. So I wonder why there are so many? The amount would seem to suggest women are heavily into latex, and like interacting with other women! A further point is there is a goodly amount of companies that produce latex clothing which is mainly focused on female attire – men getting far less choice. Of course this reflects the ‘normal’ clothing arena, women being generally more interested in clothing than men. Perhaps women who buy latex clothing are catering for their male partners interest? Anyway, I would be interested in your perspective on this. Perhaps there are more females enjoying wearing and playing in latex than I am aware of…
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You have identified one of the many realms of sexuality where fantasies differ considerably from reality. In reality, men substantially outnumber women in fetish/latex play, which provides opportunities for pro-doms to monetize their trade. And in reality, as far as I know, it’s pretty rare (but not unheard of) for women to be involved with women in fetish/latex play. But the many videos of latex fetishism you mention are not documentaries of events in real life. On the contrary, they’re FANTASIES of fetish play designed to arouse a largely male audience. While a tiny fraction sex videos are aimed at women, the vast majority appeal to men. That includes latex fetish videos. Men love to see women being sexual. That’s why vanilla gal-gal videos are popular. Similarly, men into fetish play also like to see women being sexual, which probably explains why there are so many gal-gal latex fetish videos when in reality that type of play is much less popular than the videos might lead one to believe. You’re correct in observing that most latex fetish wear is pitched to women’s bodies. That’s because men like to see their ladies wearing it. Men also like to see other women wear it at fetish parties at sex and swing and BDSM clubs. But sexual fantasies often differ from erotic reality. In fantasy, in videos, latex fetish play includes lots of women. In reality, those involved are, as you observe, mostly men. Enjoy your fantasies!