Young man is sitting in bed and watching pornography on laptop

Why is there so much porn on the web? I watch it and love it. However, I wonder what motivates so many people to post their amateur videos. I thought people were far more inhibited than this.


  • Michael Castleman says:

    You’re right. There’s tons of porn on the Web. But that’s what we should expect. Every new medium has been used to depict sex since the days cave people pained on cave walls. In fact, in those French caves with the 30,000-year-old paintings, some of the material is clearly hetrosexual intercourse, so one might argue that there’s been porn as long as there’s been art. Photography was invented around 1840. By the mid-1840’s, there were pornographic photos. Cinema was invented in 1890. By 1891, there were porn films.

    Why so much porn? Because so many men masturbate so often and their own fantasies get stale. Porn is primarily a masturbation aid for men that supplies new fantasies. According to porn industry sources, about 80 percent of porn is viewed by men solo—and almost always with one hand busy. Porn critics have blamed it for sexual assault, but the statistics thoroughly debunk that. Since 1995 when the net made porn available to anyone with an Internet connection, porn viewing has gone way up—but sexual assault has declined considerably. The only thing porn really causes is masturbation, and so many men masturbate so often, that they provide a huge audience.

    Why do people post amateur porn videos? Beats me. I would never. But sex research shows that 1 to 2 percent of people are exhibitionistic. With 3 billion people in the world, that’s 30 million exhibitionists, more than enough to fill the Internet with amateur porn.

    I have nothing against porn and don’t criticize anyone for using it (as long as it doesn’t interfere with the rest of their lives). But porn depicts a style of sex that contributes to sex problems for both men and women. You might be interested in reading my article, The Real Problem with Porn: It’s Bad for Sex.

  • Paul says:

    Thank you. I like your explanation.

    I’m still just amazed at how many women allow themselves to be filmed and then even posted online. I don’t know much about exhibitionism, I’ll have to admit.

  • antarcticman1 says:

    Porn is the devil’s advocate and men who love to watch it are total losers. It’s slowly taking over the Internet because most men are assholes. I’m a man who’s simply sick of sex. I love mature female feet.

  • Michael Castleman says:

    You have every right to your opinion, but I disagree. Porn is the embodiment of men’s erotic fantasies, just as romance fiction is the embodiment of women’s. Not all men enjoy porn just as not all women read bodice-ripping romances. But men who consume porn and women who consumer romances are neither losers nor assholes. They are normal people in every way who have active erotic fantasy lives. Porn is one of men’s top destinations on the Internet. If you’re right, most men are losers and assholes. Sorry, but I just don’t see it.

    Meanwhile, some people might call you a foot fetishist and say nasty things about you, the kinds of things you say about porn consumers. You like mature female feet? Fine by me. Enjoy yourself. I say the same to men who consume porn and women who read romances.

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