For the past 3 months, my semen has looked unusually watery ? I  masturbate 3 to 4 times a week and sometimes more. Is this is the reason? How can I get back my normal thick semen? Please help and advise!


  • Michael Castleman says:

    Hmm. The short answer is: I don’t know. I suggest you consult your doctor, and possibly a urologist.

    I searched the Internet and the medical literature, and here’s what I found:

    • Internet sites that, at first glance, appear credible say all sorts of contradictory things about semen consistency (viscosity) : Eat more protein, eat less protein. Ejaculate less, ejaculation has no effect. I suggest you view Internet advice with skepticism.

    • The medical literature is mostly concerned with sperm count and quality, not semen viscosity. Studies consistently show that as men ejaculate more times per week, they ejaculate less semen and their ejaculate contains fewer sperm. You might try masturbating less for a few weeks and see what happens.

    • Most of semen is prostate fluid. Changes in semen viscosity may indicate prostate infection. But prostate infection causes pain and malaise. You didn’t mention either. However, it’s possible that you have a low-level (subclinical) prostate infection. Your doctor should assess that.

    • Some studies show that semen changes may indicate a varicose vein the in the scrotum (varicocele). You doctor should check you for that. Varicoceles are treated with minor surgery that removes them.

    • Meanwhile, semen is largely water. Sperm account for only about 2% of ejaculate by volume. Some sources say that watery semen indicates a drop in sperm count. Others maintain that semen consistency has nothing to do with sperm count. My take: Given that sperm account for such a small proportion of semen, it seems unlikely that a change in sperm count would be visible to the naked eye, let alone noticeably change semen from thick to watery. But when you see your doctor, request a semen analysis.

    • The fact that semen is largely water suggests that hydration may play a role in its consistency. Have you experienced any lifestyle change in the past few months? If you’ve been consuming more fluids—water, juices, fruit—it seems possible that your semen might become more watery. If you’ve been doing less physical exercise lately, that might also be a factor. Exercise produces perspiration, meaning that the body loses water. Lose enough water, and semen might become thicker. Less exercise means less water loss and possibly more watery semen.

    • Has there been a change in the way you masturbate? If you masturbate to orgasm quickly, semen contains less prostate fluid and may be thicker. If you masturbate slowly for a longer time, semen contains more prostate fluid and may be more watery.

    Bottom line: See your doctor and maybe a urologist.

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