Sex And Weed Does Marijuana Enhance Sex Or Destroy It?

I found your blog post dealing with the study on Sexual Teasing interesting. I would like to know if you know of any research on why Sexual Teasers would go on a date with a suitor or their boyfriend and sexually tease strangers. Thank you.


  • Michael Castleman says:

    That’s the only study on sexual teasing I’m aware of. It implies that teasing is one way acquaintances get to know each other to see if there might be a spark there. If you’re on a date and your partner teases one or more strangers, it could be a way to test how you feel about them, a way to see if you care. Beyond that, I just don’t know, except to say that teasing is more fun for the teaser than for those being teased. I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily nasty or cruel, just that it’s insensitive—especially if you’re dating a teaser who teases someone else.

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