Young Couple in Bed

Seems like the trend these days is for women to shave/wax their pubic hair. Any thought on whether more women go bare than not ? I used to think that shaving was really weird, but I’ve seen the error of my ways and realize, that it’s much sexier. So, here’s my question: How does one initiate such a conversation with their sexually-repressed wife? While we were having sex I wanted to suggest to her that she try shaving, or I could shave her. But my guess is she’ll probably freak out, and tell me to find find someone else if I don’t like her just the way she is. So, it’s essentially a rhetorical question. 🙁


  • Michael Castleman says:

    Yes, over the past 30 years or so, more women have taken to partly or completely shaving their pubic hair. At least that’s what my informal survey of doctors, porn actresses, and sexology researchers suggests. On the other hand, shaving is by no means universal. Many women still have—and like—full bushes. For more on this read my article How Do the Porn Stars Get So Smooth?

    Now about asking your wife to shave when you think she doesn’t want to: You can’t make her do it. It’s up to her. But assuming that you provide her with oral sex, you might mention that you get some of her pubic hair in your mouth and find that unpleasant, and ask her to trim herself a bit. If she’s open to that, after a month or so you might mention, hey, now that you’ve trimmed your pubic hair a bit, you genitals look so much sexier to me now—and would you please trim them a bit more? And so on, until her pubic presentation is what you want.

    Of course, if she’s willing to trim a bit, at some point, she might say “Enough, no more,” and if so, you should respect that. Half a loaf is better than none.

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