Is there a way to change the flavor of my vaginal area? I use to taste sweet one, or so I was told, but my current boyfriend says I have a strong (not sweet) odor and taste. What can I do?


  • Michael Castleman says:

    It’s possible that your previous and current lovers have different senses of taste. Or that your previous lover was not entirely honest, or that your current boyfriend is. So I wouldn’t jump to the conclusion that anything has changed.

    Nonetheless, you’d like to “sweeten” the taste of your genitals. The best ways include:

    • Do NOT use douches or feminine hygiene products. Resist the advertising about “that clean, fresh feel.” The vagina is a self-cleansing organ. Douches and feminine products are like air fresheners. The chemicals in them don’t freshen anything. All they do is mask your natural taste and scent. These chemicals change the delicate chemical balance of the vagina and can increase risk of vaginal infections, which do the opposite of sweeten your taste and fragrance. Gynecologists and sexologists urge women NOT to douche.

    * Wash your vulva (your external genitals) and the first inch or two inside your vagina with soap and water.

    * Wear cotton panties, nothing synthetic. Cotton breathes and allows the moisture you naturally produce to evaporate. Synthetic fibers trap this moisture, which is unnatural, and may contribute to a less-than-pleasing taste and fragrance.

    * Drink plenty of water. Keeping yourself well-hydrated is important because some of the water you drink becomes vaginal lubrication, the moisture in your vagina as you become aroused. Vaginal lubrication not only lubricates. It also helps cleanse the vagina.

    * Don’t smoke. Eat less meat. Watch the alcohol. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Smoking, meat, and alcohol contribute to bad breath. They also foul the rest of the body. Fruits and vegetables help keep everything sweet and tasty.

    * Try a flavored lube. Their flavor might help yours. Flavored lubes are available from sex toy sites.

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