young man relaxing in bed

How can I give myself a prostate orgasm?


  • Michael Castleman says:

    The best way is to insert an anal dildo or butt plug that reaches a few inches inside and touches the prostate. By manipulating the dildo/plug while masturbating, you should be able to massage your prostate and work up to extra-intense orgasms that way.

    I should add that the term “prostate orgasm” is a misnomer. Physiologically, all orgasms involve involuntary serial contractions of the pelvic floor muscles that run between the legs. The prostate is not involved. However, orgasms can vary in intensity and pleasure based on all sorts of other factors. Many men experience extra-intense orgasms when the prostate is involved. So good luck!

    I wish you sizzling sex and marvelous orgasms with prostate involvement.

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