I am 25 and I feel very sexually attracted to an older married man, and very much older than me (63). I first met him when I began my first semester in college since he was my professor. At that time, I wasn’t doing emotionally well, suffered from depression, and didn’t have anyone else in my life for support. However this person helped me get through my difficulties, and it grew from there. I first looked up to him as a mentor, began seeing him as a father figure… and then I began having very strong sexual desire for him. The love I feel towards him is real, and I think I will always feel love for him since at the same time, I still look up to him greatly and see him as a father figure. But I do not want to deal with these sexual feelings anymore. Would you by any chance know if there’s a way one can decrease their sexual desire towards someone (more than just finding a boyfriend…)?


  • Michael Castleman says:

    There’s having sexual feelings for someone, and there’s acting on those feelings. I tip my hat that you’ve been smart and mature enough NOT to act on your feelings. As for changing your feelings, first, I would urge you to end all contact with him (face-to-face, email, unfriend him on Facebook, etc.). Beyond that, physical distance might help. Take a trip somewhere far away, or if possible, move. Beyond that, I suggest that you get busy and stay busy doing things you enjoy. Distraction can work wonders…and it might lead to meeting someone who takes his place in your affections.

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