Before I started to sleeping with my new partner, I went over a year without sex, and before that didn’t have regular sex for around 5 years. I’ve never been a one night stand person and now, with my current partner I seem to have worse PE than I did when I was a teenager. I’m 25 now. I ejaculate in 30 seconds to one minute. Is my sporadic and irregular history of sex over the last 5 years to blame for my worsened PE now?
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No, your history of sporadic sex has nothing to do with your current PE. Premature ejaculation is usually the result of stress and a lovemaking style that does not reduce it. I’m guessing that you have more stress in your life now than you did as a teen.
Fortunately, in the vast majority of men, PE can be cured fairly quickly and easily, especially when the man has a steady sexual partner who is willing to help.
Over the past 60 years, generations of sex therapists have developed and refined a program that teaches men to last as long as they wish. I’ve distilled that program into a low-cost self-help e-booklet, The Cure for Premature Ejaculation. I suggest you purchase a copy. I offer a money-back guarantee, so no risk for you. The program involves minor changes in lovemaking, but they’re fun and help women enjoy sex more, too.
In the unlikely event that after a few months you still have no ejaculatory control, then I’d suggest seeing a sex therapist for individual counseling. If you’re unfamiliar with sex therapy, clients DON’T have sex with therapists and therapists DON’T watch clients having sex. For more, read my low-cost article, An Intimate Look at Sex Therapy, and/or see the film, “Hope Springs” with Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones. To find a sex therapist near you, visit the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists, the Society for Sex Therapy and Research, or the American Board of Sexology.
But I’m guessing that working with your partner for a few months using my e-booklet should teach you solid ejaculatory control for life. Good luck!