I’m 39. My penis and testicles seem smaller lately and my penis bends to the left. My erections are no longer firm and I have premature ejaculation and less sex drive and weaker orgasms. Help!
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That’s quite list, and I imagine you’re feeling quite anxious. First, I suggest you consult your doctor or a urologist for a medical evaluation. It’s possible that a medical condition is contributing to your problems, for example, depression or diabetes, both of which sometimes present as loss of sexual interest and/or function. If so, you can be treated. And if not, then you can relax a bit.
Your bent penis is normal. Many penises bend one way or the other. It’s not considered a problem unless the bend is so pronounced that it interferes with intercourse.
You’re concerned about your penis size. I suggest you read the chapter in my book, Sizzling Sex for Life called The Truth About Penis Size: How to Make the Most of What You’ve Got.
For your erection difficulties, read: Healthy Lifestyle Preserves Sexual Function, Erection Myths—and the Truth About Erections, Weak Erections or ED?, Erectile Dysfunction Causes, Erectile Dysfunction Treatments, and .
For your premature ejaculation, read: The Cure for Premature Ejaculation.
And for your weaker orgasms, read Kegel Exercises.
It’s possible that the articles might provide all the assistance you need. But if they don’t deliver sufficient relief and comfort, then I’d suggest consulting a sex therapist. To find one near you, visit the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists, the Society for Sex Therapy and Research, or the American Board of Sexology.
Finally, if you have further questions, feel free to write me again here.
I wish you sizzling sex for life.